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Connect with me over on the newest and hottest platform, Book+Main Bites! I’m thrilled to be part of a fantastic group of authors who tested this new and AMAZING platform. It’s a place where romance readers can follow their favorite authors as well as find new books to love! The site is content-based, which means […]
The Family Justice Saga continues with Honeymoon Angel A Family Justice Novella The Counselor and his Desert Angel These two went to hell and back as a couple Their history was messy and complicated Until … Angelina Marquez returned to Arizona and confronted the elephant in the room And who or what was that elephant? […]
Cover Reveal Coming Soon! Until then … enjoy the view !!COMING VERY SOON!!
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The look back in time story you’ve been waiting for! Team Justice on a wild weekend of R&R in Bangkok Alex Cam Draegyn Parker Rafe Roman Domineau and a cameo by Sawyer ORIGINAL JUSTICE ~ A Justice Brothers Novella AVAILABLE NOW AMAZON READ FOR FREE WITH
Dear Readers, My original plan while Everlasting was a work-in-progress was to include a Forward, but as the clock kept ticking and the release got bogged down by the process, I nixed that idea for a couple of reasons: Time Does anyone actually read that stuff? Was I micro-managing the story? (It’s funny if you […]